Fairfield Estate


Cobblestone Paving

Cobblestone paving in an intricate fish scale design ornaments the entry to this Atlanta Estate the fan shaped leaves of the Ginko repeat the pattern of the fish scale paving.

Bluestone Stairs

A classic house deserves a classic landscape. Here the theme of brick and bluestone coaxes a visitor through subtle level changes from house to lawn … and beyond.

Ornamental Pool Gate

An ornamental gate by Atlanta artist Andrew Crawford leads to the lap pool. The pool house beyond is by architect Norman Askins.

Pentagon Terrace

The terrace forms a welcoming overlook for the pool viewed from the pool house. Roof tiles set on edge creates dramatic contrast with the bluestone.

Lap Pool

An aerial shot shows the relationship between the lawn, the pool, and the pool house. The theme of brick and bluestone, that began at the main house, continues into the landscape.


Granite stairs ascend hill and lead from daisy filled meadow to the pool above.

Restored Floodplain

What was once a barren landscape dominated by invasive privet is now a lyrical meadow of daisies and buttercups. A footbridge peaks through in the distance.

Garden Folly

This drawing of the granite bridge guided the stone mason’s work to span a brook.

Granite Footbridge

Daisies cover and surround the footbridge in this restored meadow.

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Tunnell & Tunnell

Landscape Architecture

1123 Zonolite Road, Suite 20A
Atlanta, GA 30306